Time to dream
and experimenting
Together with two colleagues from the upper school, the band SEROLOGIE is founded at the grammar school. The first songs are written: »Brainstem«, »Cookies with pumpkin seeds«, »Action potential«. The backgrounds: Punk, advanced biology course, social criticism.
In 2001 the bassist Arthur appears on the scene. ELEMENTS is created in the attic at Peters in Oberhaunstadt, it is the time to dream and experiment. Away from common song structures, parts are strung together, musical stories are told. The models are »Dream Theater« or »Pain of Salvation«.
»I went to a friend's birthday party. I tested the sister's guitar in her room, she had just started playing electric guitar. A friend of the birthday girl dragged another friend along: Arthur. He didn't even know the birthday girl. He came up and thought it was cool how I played. It turned out that he also made music, also at the Simon Mayr Sing and Music School, also at Les Mann - a sign to rehearse together.«
»In school I had my first gigs, but without any talent prophecy.«
In 2004 Christoph Hofbauer recorded his second - also previously unreleased - album »Cultures«. On vocals: Anja. After the recording Anja gets out. Franz, who had sung the song »Babylon« on »Cultures«, takes over the vocal part.
The 4 start working on the next concept album »Me and You« in 2005.
ELEMENTS plays with 4 fixed musicians: Armin, Arthur, Andi, Franz. The singing changes constantly - in 5 years there are 7 singers. The first album »Elements« and with it the band name is born. In Chris Ertl's home studio »Elements« is recorded, it remains unreleased until today.
»Stick with it, later you will be happy.«
2007/08 the living and study situations of the band members change, ELEMENTS dissolve insidiously.
or the knowledge,
that even rebels need grounding
In 2004 Franz Peters began studying psychology in Heidelberg.
In 2005 he founded the band WHERE IS MY LEG with 2 musically talented fellow students (Ben, Richie). The band members are united by their love for Asia and musical curiosities. The band name is meant to express a general lack of understanding of today's society. Musical models are »NoFX«, »Green Day«, »Blink 182«.
The first EP »Fight or Flight« will be recorded in 2006. It is about adrenalin and noradrenalin. First gigs follow.
The second EP »Racing« will be released in 2008 and the artwork for it is provided by Rainer Weber, KommaD. First professional recordings in Flatliners Studio in Ingolstadt are recorded with Tom Müller at the mixing desk.
2009 have to be taken from health reasons performances can be cancelled. A gig in front of the killer mushrooms at Fronte 79 will be played with replacement drummer Ollie. He will record the song »Miss out« with the band in the studio as Onetake.
»We regularly had band rehearsals twice a week in Mannheim, worked continuously on songs. Then it was off to graduate and write our diploma thesis with all the self-structuring and discipline it takes. Our drummer Richie was not able to play at that time due to health reasons. At that time we had a few gigs coming up in the hottest rock clubs in Heidelberg and as support act for internationally renowned bands. We had to cancel a lot of things, but for the support with the Killerpilzen I luckily found Ollie through my ghost writer Mischa at that time. He could empathize so much with Richie's situation that he immediately jumped in and didn't even want a fee for it.«
It comes to the reunion of the band with the actual drummer. Together with him, the band plays its farewell gig in Hall 02 in Heidelberg.
About longing,
to reach for the stars
End 2010 shortly after the performance of WHERE IS MY LEG in the Fronte Ingolstadt, the band PRtWins was founded. PRtWins consists of Franz and Timu. Influenced by »Enter Shikari« from England, they create hard riffs, combined with electronic computer sounds.
»Timu was kicked out of his band virtually overnight (»In Vain«, later »Adoremenot«). He approached me and it turned out very quickly that we both approached songwriting with the same perfectionism. That was a professional level right from the start.«
It is the time of jam sessions with Ollie, Fritz (formerly acoustic sessions or song recitals at the Molly Malones), Miri (Tamad), Bernd (Ras Dashan) or Ferdinando Grimaldi (»Ferdl«). Whole weekends in the rehearsal room follow, where the sound moves more and more in an electronic direction. Fritz takes over the vocals more and more often, the two become three, the tWins become DREY.
»The story with Fritz was not so easy for me, because Fritz was together with my former childhood love at the time of the band's foundation. This strained our friendship, but never destroyed it. I never wanted a woman to stand between us, that worked. I am very grateful for that.«
Shortly before Franz's graduation in 2012, he tells his parents that he only wants to make music after his studies.
»Fritz, your son would now like to spend some time with us after his studies.«
After the studies follow 6 weeks of recordings in the Flatliners studio, with an additional producer and the vocal coach Caroline. Drey consists of Franz, Timu and Fritz at this time. They recorded with Ferdinando (bass), Bernd (backing vocals) and Caroline (vocals).
12 songs are created, one of them (»Seattle at night«) appears as Youtube video.
Under the management (Alex Haas-Guder and Tanja Landmann, formerly DJ Bobo and Groove Coverage) and published by Roba-Music DREY go on promotion tour: Berlin, London, San Francisco, LA.
»The planning of the tour and the anticipation were bigger and better than reality. We met all kinds of people from the music business, but it's like a big fortress. Either you swim through the moat with the danger of drowning in it or you know a guard who lets you in through the back door.«
After returning home, management is negotiating with Sony BMG Germany and a sublabel in the U.S.
3.5 hours of negotiations result: too great a risk, not suitable for radio.
So at the end of 2013 there is no way in sight, Drey will be put on ice, there will be a separation.
Altogether there are 20 finished songs and further ideas, until today they remain unreleased.
The connection to the heart
Franz works for 2 months in San Francisco for »Compass«. There he has little time for music and family. Back in Germany he wants to go a more down-to-earth way. He applies to various companies and starts working for Kaeser Coburg as a personnel developer.
At the end of 2014, after an initial period without music, friends and little connection, the depression in Coburg begins. For several years he is not able to attend concerts due to his own lack of musical perspective.
»In Coburg I was ready to quit and return to my family without having made it. Everything was gone: my dream of making music, my vision of the future, the ground under my feet. I got shingles, was ill at home, so I was even more isolated. Egor, a friend and colleague, told me (like my tennis instructor back then): »Stick with it, later you'll be happy«.
So I went back to work. Since my motto is »smart or not at all«, I went through with it. Uli, a colleague and friend from IT linked me over corners with a former band colleague of Matze. He was just standing there with his band and rehearsal room, two colleagues fresh out of the band. I hadn't played guitar for such a long time that I couldn't play it anymore. But with Matze it was just as well, there was a close connection of the heart and the love for music. Through music and the band I found back to my strength and started to sort myself out anew. During this time I have reinvented my life step by step. With morning routine, evening routine, meditation, learning Spanish.«
At the beginning of 2015, a colleague at work arranges contact with Matthias »Matze« (former band member of »Backstreet Noise«, a German punk band). He has a new project in mind. Franz is the first to join in.
Matze (guitar and lead voice) and Franz (lead guitar and second voice) make melodic »Heartcore« punk.
A short time later, drummer Eric and bassist Christiane join them. In 2015 JACK TORRANCE is complete. This will be followed by the time of an inner collection through music and meditation.
Songs will be worked on until 2017. At a band contest - meanwhile there are 7 songs - the first gig will take place.
At the end of 2017, the plan is born to found a label and get closer to the family in Ingolstadt again. This plan takes on concrete form over the year 2018, it is the time of preparation, the time of reinvention.
At the end of 2018 Franz resigns from Käser, moves back to Ingolstadt and starts a 10-week trip to South America.
After his return, he will start his part-time work as a coach and business developer in his parents' company Gebrüder Peters in January 2019.
In 2019 Jack Torrance records the album »Flickering Lights«, it is released in September 2019 on the PHNX RECORDS label, which has meanwhile been founded by Franz Peters. Flickering Lights is available on all common sales platforms (Apple Music, Amazon, ...).
First gigs of Jack Torrance follow, reviews and interviews on »Sonic Seducer« or »Orcus« are not long in coming.
Then comes Corona. There is hope to play festivals and concerts in autumn, as well as the tour in Portugal.
Tourbooking organizes for 2020 over 10 shows including a tour in Portugal for JACK TORRANCE.
Resurrection from the ashes - real freedom
In February 2019 Franz Peters founds the label PHNX RECORDS in Ingolstadt. The aim is to release the music of their own bands and to offer services for bands and artists, because many bands have difficulties with booking and promotion.
»PHNX is about the freedom to be completely my own boss. The Phoenix rises from the ashes after complete collapse and is finally strong, independent and free. Our label stands for freedom, tolerance and openness. I want to use my (life) experience to help other artists who are burning for their cause.«
Former guitarist Andi approaches the band in 2019 with the idea of rehearsing the then unfinished pieces together again. It remains exciting.
PHNX signs Jack Torrance and releases »Flickering Lights«. The signing of DREY follows.
In October Universal purchases Lieberberg. Band member Eric of JACK TORRANCE (formerly Lieberberg) now works for PHNX RECORDS. Eric is responsible for tour management, promotion and booking.
»When Eric was left without a steady job overnight, it was the logical consequence for me to bring him to PHNX RECORDS to take over tour management, promotion and booking for Jack Torrance and Drey. We have a lot of ideas and use the time, in which the active band life is slowed down, to build up the label.«
In February 2020, after signing DREY at PHNX RECORDS, DREY records three old and two new songs in the Munich studio »Tuneverse«. DREY is now finally to the public.
»Drey is rather happy-poppy compared to Jack Torrance. But I have two bands now. They serve two different styles and emotions. With the time difference to DREY and my Buddhist and coaching themes, this project has also gained depth.«
At PHNX, the idea of bringing a music festival to life, or to revive a former Ingolstadt music festival, was born. First ideas are born, contacts to cooperation partners are established.
For 2020 Eric is organizing the first tours for JACK TORRANCE at PHNX, then comes Corona. PHNX uses this time to prepare the support of other bands and a sampler.
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